Being Different From Others Is A Blessing

Today’s Reading Numbers 14-15

Focal Scripture: Numbers 14:24 “But since my servant Caleb has a different spirit and has remained loyal to me, I will bring him into the land where has has gone, and his descendants will inherit it.”

Here we see the consequences and the blessings that come from hearing what the Lord said to the Israelites. On one hand the men and the people who believed the bad report were told that they would die for their unbelief. Some would die quickly. Others would have their bones left behind in the wilderness.

Not only that God told them that they would wonder for forty years. Anyone who was counted in the census would not see the promised land. The consequences for unbelief and for stirring the pot were swift and harsh. However, God continually warned the Israelites what he expected from them. He did not expect perfection but he did expect obedience to what he asked. After all, he deserved it and is worthy of it after what he has done for them.

Then we come to Caleb. He was not like the rest. He and Joshua heard what God said, believed it, and then wanted to take the land because God said it was already theirs. Then people started to stir up trouble and communicate things that were not true. So much so they convinced an entire nation to believe the lie instead of the truth.

There are many truths to take from these events. First, even when you do the right thing people will still try to convince others you are wrong and what they say is correct. That can be a difficult place to be in but you have to trust that God will look out for you. Next, we see that Caleb was not like everyone else. Actually he and Joshua were two men who had laser focus and stood their ground even when an entire nation did not want to hear the truth.

The reason they could do this is because they were focused on God’s promises. They had a belief system and a faith that were not like the other people they were around. It probably bothered the others in how confidently they believed God and wanted to follow him.

Take notice that when you do the right things people will not like it and will try to make events seem a certain way to achieve a certain agenda. I can personally tell you from experience that I have made decisions that were supported behind closed doors and everyone agreed. Then narratives were spun to make it look like I was doing something wrong.

My response to those problems. To lean on God who knows the truth and allow him to fight my battles. I cannot be like everyone else even though internally I want to be when these situations arise. Even when I am alone I have to trust that God will continue to guide me and protect me.

I know that I have not given a personal story before on this blog but I want you who read to know this truth. That following God is more important than what the mob wants or how people spin narratives about you. You cannot be like everyone else and serve God effectively. You also cannot respond with anger, malice, and look for revenge. You must be different.

I take solace in this fact and the hope we can see from this story. God will move you or God will remove them. Be faithful, be humble, and allow God to intervene on your behalf.

Tomorrow I plan on Reading Numbers 16-17

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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