Book of Remembrance

Today’s Reading, Malachi 1-4

Focal Scripture: Malachi 3:16 “At that time those who feared the Lord spoke to one another. The Lord took notice and listened. So a book of remembrance was written before him for those who feared the Lord and had high regard for his name.”

We all want to be remembered after we are gone. I have never met a person who genuinely didn’t want to do something that impacted others. This doesn’t have to be on a large scale. It can be something small in the eyes of the world. Maybe your impact is raising your children to fear the Lord. Or maybe it is demonstrating how to fight for what is right when others want them to compromise. No matter what your reason you want to be remembered for doing something that matters.

In our reading today we see more judgment upon the nation and especially its leaders the priest. However, the focus today is going to be on this who were doing right when others were doing wrong. This verse tells us that those who feared the Lord had their names written in a book of remembrance. These people were of high character and had a high regard for the name of the Lord. Think about that testimony. The Lord noticed their actions and wrote it down. What a way to be remembered.

The application as we end the Old Testament is powerful. Have you lived in such a way that the Lord wants to write it in a book to be remembered. That is a challenge that should bring us all to worship God in a new way. Not only is he watching how we live but he is rooting for us to live remarkable lives. Not for our glory, but for his glory.

Be encouraged today that living right may go unnoticed in the world but will not go I noticed by God. Continually have a faith that is different from the world. Have a high regard for the name of the Lord. Be remembered as someone who points people to God. You can do this by living in a way that brings honor to the Lord. Other people want to know if our faith is real. So let’s live as if God is writing our names down in his book.

After all he is watching us to see our faithfulness. So would you be in his book of remembrance? If not what do you need to change to be put into that book? The lord is willing to help you live for him. He is rooting for you.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Matthew 1-4

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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