Be Holy Because He is Holy

Today’s Reading Leviticus 11-13

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 11:45 “For I am the Lord who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God, so you must be holy because I am holy.”

Clean v. Unclean. The approach to worship matters to God. In this section of scripture God wants to show again that you can’t approach him if you are unclean. This is the first time though, that he doesn’t just mention being clean and unclean but that he mentions being Holy. He is now taking the expectations up further than he has previously.

So what does it mean that God is holy and he wants us to be holy like him? God is conveying that he is not like everyone else. When he is approached for worship some forethought must take place. Preparation is need to approach someone who is unlike anyone or anything else. God reminds them of his awesome work and then reminds them he is worthy of worship.

How should we approach this topic as individuals? We must understand that worshiping God is something that we have to prepare our hearts, minds, and lives to do well. God being holy means that he can and will change everything. He is at the top. He is the one who changes people from the inside out.

For us to be holy we must approach that one that is and has always been holy with reverent awe. As we worship him, serve him and get closer to his holiness we will be changed. We will become more holy because of his actions and not ours.

We see this by the sacrifices that are made to God in this book. God is forgiving sin because he is the only one holy enough to do so. God is the one we must look to and emulate our lives after. If we want to be holy like God we must forsake our wants and desires and follow after God.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Leviticus 14-15

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