Consequences of Idol Worship

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 26-27

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 26:1 ““Do not make worthless idols for yourselves, set up a carved image or sacred pillar for yourselves, or place a sculpted stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the Lord your God.”

Idols, we all have them in our lives. These idols may have some importance to us for a reason but in the end they are worthless. These idols take our focus off of God. They become something that is worshipped. The worst part about idols is that they are man made. for some reason we create something that takes the place of God and then try to justify why it is important in our lives.

In today’s reading God makes it very clear on what he thinks about idols. He knows we create them as humans. We will find a way to make or build them. He then knows we will bow down to these idols. He lets the Israelites know this is not acceptable. That these actions will cause fellowship to be broken. He wants them to only worship him because he is the only one worthy of genuine worship.

So what are the consequences of idol worship? Separation from God for one. Another consequence is the mind begins to rot worshipping something that is not worthy. It may not look like much in the beginning but after time a persons mind becomes weak from false worship. This shows up in how one lives. Also in decisions that a person makes. It mainly reveals itself by what one spends their time on the most.

What needs to be done to fix this problem? A fix can only happen when a person admits they are susceptible to idol worship. Anything can grab our attention and take our time. To combat this we must stay close to God. The biggest fix is to know God and his word. To believe in his promises and know that no idol on Earth is worthy of worship.

So I ask you the obvious question. Does anything in your life have your focus more than Jesus? If so it is an idol that needs to stop being worshipped.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 1-2

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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