Don’t Follow Idols

Today’s Reading 1 Kings 21-22

Focal Scripture: 1 Kings 21:25-26 “Still, there was no one like Ahab, who devoted himself to do what was evil in the Lord’s sight, because his wife Jezebel incited him. He committed the most detestable acts by following idols as the Amorites had, whom the Lord had dispossessed before the Israelites.”

The type of testimony we leave behind matters. I’m sure Ahab thought he was doing well. He probably even believed that his decisions were sound. After all he was king and he was in charge. He worshipped, just not the God of Israel. Ahab’s self perception was skewed.

We know from scripture that Ahab devoted himself to evil, allowed his wife to influence him in evil, and worshipped idols. His desire to worship idols completely destroyed him and turned his heart away from God.

This tells us a few important facts for us to remember. How we are remembered will be different than our own opinions. Most people believe that what they do is right and people just misunderstand them. This is why we must submit ourselves to the Lord and be obedient to him. If we talk to people poorly or rudely that is what they will remember. If we don’t show grace in mistakes and failures, that is what will be remembered. If we are rude and mean to our kids, that is what will be remembered.

Our testimony must be that we are people who follow the Lord, not people who follow evil. If we are doing evil it is probably because we have an idol in our life. When the object of our worship changes our hearts lean towards that idol. This in turn will change our behavior.

So the question is what idols do you have in your life? And how will be remember you?

Tomorrow I plan on reading 2 Kings 1-3

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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