Expectations of the Priests

Today’s Reading 2 Chronicles 6-8

Focal Scripture: 2 Chronicles 8:14 “According to the ordinances of his father David, he appointed the divisions of the priests over their service, of the Levites over their responsibilities to offer praise and to minister before the priests following the daily requirement, and of the gatekeepers by their divisions with respect to each temple gate, for this had been the command of David, the man of God.”

The priests had a specific job to do and they were doing it well. They were expected to offer praise and to perform the daily sacrifices unto the Lord and for the people. For a while the priests were not doing their job. Yes, it was difficult to do because they were under many evil and horrible leaders.

However, the priests knew what the law of the Lord expected. They knew how God chosen them to sacrifice animals and serve the people in a way that glorified him. The priests were also to take care of the temple and prepare others to be able to worship. They were also to make sure they were prepared to worship. The priests were expected to be different.

I have had the privilege in my life to serve with many pastors who exemplify what it means to be a pastor. They are phenomenal men of God. Have I always agreed with every decision, absolutely not. But one thing I can tell you for certain they were consistent in their beliefs, attitudes, demeanor and conduct. They exemplified the fruit of the Spirit. They were kind, loving, fair, and gentle souls who if they corrected did so out of love.

I have also seen the opposite from pastors. Men who behaved one way but yet acted another. Their speech and conduct was unbecoming of a minister of the gospel. Would become angry and look for ways to get back at others and cause vengeance. When appropriate they would put on a front for others.

So why does this need to be discussed? Because you should expect more from those who represent God. David certainly did and Solomon followed through with it to its end.

This is something I am still learning. In no way do I do everything perfect. Sometimes, I make mistakes and can be more clear. However, I do strive to be a good example of a minister in my speech, attitude and conduct. There is a standard that must be meet and I am trying daily to meet that standard.

This is an important discussion because not every minister has these goals. The scary part is that some of them believe that how they act and treat people are biblical and just them being them. This is never more apparent than when a church in the western part of the US imploded and the aftermath was revealed.

The sad part is that many positive things happened in that church. The minister served and even helped people. People were getting saved. However, the trail of abuse that was hidden for years was not believed because of what it looked like from the outside. Until one day it all came out.

So the point of this post today is to have high standards for the conduct of the ministers around you. Do not expect perfection because that can’t be reached. However, do expect them to be consistent, loving, kind, and have speech that honors God.

David had expectations for the priests, Paul gave expectations for ministers and we know good ministers when we see them because their spirit is consistent with pleasing the Lord.

Tomorrow I Plan on reading 2 Chronicles 9-12

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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