God Must Be Our Strong Tower

Today’s Reading Judges 6-7

Focal Scripture: Judges 6:15 “He said to him, Please, Lord, how can I deliver Israel? Look, my family is the weakest in Manasseh, and I am the youngest in my father’s family.”

The Israelites are continually doing evil in the sight of the Lord. They again ask for help and God answers their request. This time God raises up a Judge named Gideon. This judge had self doubt and did not think they were the right choice. However, God picks those people who are willing to be used and will asks the hard questions.

One of the greatest attributes about Gideon is that he is not afraid to ask questions or explain his doubts. Some people see this as a weakness. It is actually a strength. By Gideon expressing what he can and can’t do he knows that he must have help. He knows he must be dependent on someone greater than him. He realizes that he must trust God.

God answers Gideon in a big way. He got to meet and talk with the Angel of the Lord, face to face. This discussion was needed and encouraging for his faith journey. Meeting God when life seems overwhelming is where we all must be when we have questions.

The application of this passage is quite simple. It is not about you and it is not about me. Gideon acknowledged his short comings and completely surrendered to God. He then spent time with God and learned what was expected.

How we view ourselves can be detrimental to our mental and spiritual health. We must be a people that trusts in God and his sovereignty. God will do a work in his people. God will prepare us for the tasks we have been called to do. When we view ourselves as from a weak family or use age as an excuse, we miss out on God’s direction for our lives.

I challenge you today to know that God created you and called you. If you are a believer God will grow you and help you become who he has called you to be. Don’t let your self doubt keep you from following God and his plan for your life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Judges 8-9

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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