Today’s Reading, Proverbs 16-18
Focal Scripture: Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.”
Joy is often overlooked by people as an important attribute. Joy is so much more than happiness. Joy is not dependent on circumstances. It comes from a changed heart. It comes from a place of trust in God. After all, it is a fruit of the spirit.
When you have a joyful heart, it is good medicine for yourself and for others. Joyful people bring hope. They demonstrate a confidence that is deeper than their situations. They have a faith that relies on someone bigger than themselves.
We also know people who have broken spirits. When our spirits get broken we are dried up spiritually. Our joy gets tampered down because of our circumstances. When our spirits are struggling we look to our situations first, instead of the source of joy.
My challenge for believers today is to be a person of joy. Rely on God in difficult circumstances. Especially when life becomes overwhelming. Our joy comes from the Holy Spirit. If you’re struggling today look to God to get you through because of his joy in our lives.
Joy is contagious. So is brokenness. What are you spreading today?
Tomorrow I plan on reading Proverbs 19-21