Today’s Reading, Numbers 5-6
Focal Scripture: Numbers 6:21 ““These are the instructions about the Nazirite who vows his offering to the Lord for his consecration, in addition to whatever else he can afford; he must fulfill whatever vow he makes in keeping with the instructions for his consecration.”
Promises matter. I know in today’s culture people’s word is not as serious as it used to be when dealing with others. However, there was a time that deals were done with a handshake. Conversations about matters were kept in confidence and decisions were fulfilled. All because what people said and promised to do mattered.
In today’s reading we learn about the Nazarite vow. This means that a person promised to give themselves to the Lord and his service for a specific amount of time. They were not allowed to shave their heads or drink alcohol. They were devoted followers of God and everyone knew it that saw them. They were determined to keep their promise to follow God no matter what.
So my question for you today is do you keep your word to others and the Lord? Are you known as a devoted follower? Can people tell from your life that your devotion is to God and God alone? I want you to know that people can tell your commitment level. I am not talking about church attendance. I am talking about your life and how serious you take the commands of scripture.
When we became believers we made an exchange with the Lord. He forgave our sins and we promised to live for him. This promise we made to the creator of the universe should drive our life. We made a vow of service with our life when we were changed. The problem is that we treat this vow as optional.
I challenge you today to live like a Nazarite. Live in a way that demonstrates total commitment. If you do you will never be the same. Your families will change. Your job will be different. Your personal walk with God will be deeper. Let’s be a people that fulfills our vow to be Christ followers.
Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 7