Today’s Reading Numbers 28-30
Focal Scripture: Numbers 30:2 “When a man makes a vow to the Lord or swears an oath to put himself under an obligation, he must not break his word: he must do whatever he has promised.”
Here we see a rundown of festivals, offerings and expectations when it comes to worship. An interesting point to note is that whenever someone was to approach the Lord they never came empty handed. A sacrifice or an offering was expected. Then we see our focal scripture about keeping ones word.
The next several verses explain the expectations for both men and women in keeping their word. This applies to all types of relationships. Keeping your word and fulfilling what you promise makes a big difference. It matters to God and other people. People have to be able to trust what is discussed and talked about because character and ethics matter.
For the believer this must be a call to action. Whenever we make a promise or speak people should be able to trust what comes out of our mouths. They must know that our speech is truthful, seasoned with salt, and can be trusted at all costs. This requires a call to action for believers. We must make sure that we do not overstate, embellish, or deceive when we tell stories or give accounts. When we give our words not to discuss topics with other people we must follow through with that promise.
One area that I take extremely serious is when I counsel other people. They have to know that what they tell me will stay with me and me alone, unless I am required by law to report it to another person. That trust be be their and that can only happen when I keep my word no matter what. I have witnessed other people discuss situations that were shared with them. It was a violation of trust unless that person specifically gave permission. They didn’t keep their word.
This should be an easy way to show godly character to a lost and dying world. Unfortunately, church people go back on their word often. They promise to keep a secret and then tell someone else. Then they promise to follow through in spiritual matters and it doesn’t happen. The point being is that the words that flow from our mouth must be credible. We must be a people who can be trusted.
I challenge you today to be a person that keeps their word. To man and most importantly to God.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Numbers 31-32