Persistence is Key

Today’s Reading, Mark 10-11

Focal Scripture: Mark 10:48 “Many warned him to keep quiet, but he was crying out all the more, “Have mercy on me, Son of David!”

Have you ever been persistent in something? I know I have. Sometimes that persistence can annoy others. You become so focused that nothing else matters. Others want you to stop talking about what your passionate about or they think your desires are to much. However, if you’re not persistent you can miss out on good things from God.

In our reading we see that not everyone was thrilled with the blind man. He was crying out for Jesus. He needed help. Instead of others taking him to Jesus they attempted to quiet him. In his persistence he cried out even more. He knew he needed help and this was his opportunity for Jesus to hear him. Nothing was going to get in his way. Because he didn’t stop he got to meet Jesus. Because he didn’t stop his life was radically changed.

I believe that many of us are not persistent enough in our prayers to God. We have a need that only God can meet and instead of pushing through we give up. Maybe even those around us are telling us to stop talking about what’s on our heart. They may even tell you that if God wanted to do a work he would have moved already.

My challenge today is specific. If you need God to move in your life don’t give up. This man was blind and nobody seemed to be on his team. That didn’t stop him. He knew Jesus was his only hope. Jesus is also our only hope. I am not saying that he will give you the answer you desire. I am saying that he will answer you if you’re persistent. The struggle of prayer brings much fruit.

Be persistent in your request and keep asking until God makes it clear what he is going to do in your life.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Mark 12-13

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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