The Atoning Sacrifice

Today’s Reading, 1 John 1-5

Focal Scripture: 1 John 2:2 “He himself is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for those of the whole world.”

Making sacrifices is something that must be done if genuine success is going to take place. A sacrifice means that one thing is given up in exchange for another. A conscience decision that sets the tone for what is to come next. For instance if you want to get healthier you have to make a decision to sacrifice things you want for things you need. Those sacrifices pave the way for more success long term.

In today’s verse we seen John explaining that other sacrifices worked for a short time but Jesus is the only atoning sacrifice that lasts forever and can be applied to the entire world. That is the key about Jesus sacrifice and his atonement. It is available to all but not everyone has it applied to their life. For sins to be forgiven and exchange takes place. We give Jesus our life and in return he makes atonement for us before the father.

So why does this distinction matter? Some people believe that they can live however they want and they will still get to heaven. They take John 3:16 and make it about universalism (everyone goes to heaven). We know from scripture that Jesus atoning sacrifice only applies to those who have believed that Jesus is the Messiah. They know that he is God in the flesh who takes away their sins.

So many people have the opportunity to have their sins forgiven but they refuse to accept that reality. They instead choose their own beliefs, feelings, and even way of doing things because it is comfortable to them. The challenge for people is to give up their futile way of thinking and lean into Jesus. Accept that he is the only way to have sins forgiven. Realize he made a choice to forgive sinners. He alone can appease God’s wrath towards sin.

I encourage you today to rest in Jesus. Exchange your life for his forgiveness. Accept his atoning sacrifice. Then tell the world what he has done for you. We don’t know who will receive the message but we do know there are people waiting to receive.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 2 John, 3 John & Jude

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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