The Heart Shows Defilement

Today’s Reading, Matthew 14-16

Focal Scripture: Matthew 15:18 “But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this defiles a person.”

Have you ever noticed that some people do not wash their hands? Sometimes you can observe them and they will touch raw food and then touch other food that will be served to others. Having watched many church people cook I can tell you sometimes I would never eat the food because I saw how it was prepared. People would do other things and n er wash their hands then touch food that would be eaten by everyone. It was gross. It was a defiling moment.

In today’s verse Jesus tells his disciples that what defiles a person is not what goes in but what comes out. The point Jesus is making is that your hands can be unclean when you touch food. That uncleanliness only last for a little while. However, your speech and actions come from the heart. If those are bad then your heart is defiled.

Think about the implications of this text. How one speaks to others reveals a sinful heart. To many excuses are made about people who speak mean and hateful. You will hear “They are having a bad day.” Or “They are just a human.” Even things like “It only happens every know and then.” This texts teaches us that what comes out is a reflection of the heart.

So my challenge to today is how’s your speech? How is your heart? If you gossip that shows a heart problem. If you are negative and mean spirited, it shows a heart problem. If you manipulate others with your words it shows a heart problem. Are you cruel with your kids? Heart problem. Do you demoralize those who you lead behind closed doors? A heart problem. Do you make excuses for those who do these things? Heart problem.

Examine yourself today and see where you can submit to the Lord. We may put on a front for others but what comes out reveals the state of our heart.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Matthew 17-19

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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