The Lord Fulfills His Promises

Today’s Reading, Joshua 19-21

Focal Scripture: Joshua 21:45 “None of the good promises the Lord had made to the house of Israel failed. Everything was fulfilled.”

People who fulfill their promises are trustworthy people. When they tell you they will do something you can guarantee it will get done. People who don’t fulfill what they say are difficult to be around. It causes a lack of trust and breaks the relationship. We all know that broken relationships are hard to mend. Even when the trust is broken on accident. And if we are all honest we have all broken a promise. It could have been intentional of unintentional but no matter what it caused a broken relationship.

In today’s reading we are reminded that the Lord does not break promises. When he says he will do something it is a guarantee. His promises will happen. They may take some time to fulfill but they will come to pass. This reality gives us hope to follow the Lord, just like it did the nation of Israel. They knew and witnessed that God is a promise keeper. Knowing you never have to worry about that changes how you live and follow the Lord.

For us as believers today we need remind ourselves that the Lord will fulfill his promises. This means that the world will be judged. It means that believers will have their works weighed out before Christ. It means that Jesus is coming again. It also means that a horrible day of punishment is coming for those who don’t believe.

Since we know the Lord will fulfill his promises both positive and negative. We need to move with a sense of urgency to share our faith. Because we have also been promised that Jesus will change the hearts of people who die to themselves and follow him. He is preparing a place for believers to dwell with him forever. He will create a new heaven and a new Earth. He will defeat death, hell and Satan permanently.

I am not sure where you are today but trust the Lord. He is worthy and he wants to change your future. You may doubt that someone can be trustworthy but I want you to known Jesus is the one you can always trust.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Joshua 22-24

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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