The Primacy of Preaching

Today’s Reading, Mark 1-3

Focal Scripture: Mark 1:38 “And he said to them, “Let’s go on to the neighboring villages so that I may preach there too. This is why I have come.”

Do you have a guilty pleasure? Something that you enjoy that other people don’t like or they don’t understand. For some people it can be certain types of music. Maybe it’s a tv show or a sport that is not popular. No matter what it is you are passionate about it and others are not sure what to think about your choices.

For me I am passionate about listening and learning from good preachers. I have learned though in my time in ministry that preaching is often looked down upon. I hear things that downgrade preaching or say that people can’t tolerate long sermons any longer. Worse yet when they say that to much Bible will drive people away.

I’m our focal verse today we see that Jesus was often preaching and teaching. Everywhere he went he would proclaim the good news. You may be asking what is the good news? It was to repent of your sins because salvation has arrived. Jesus was preaching and teaching about himself and his work. Everything he did pointed others to be changed. This was often done by looking at people and explaining the truth behind scripture.

What is the application today for you? Be a person who is passionate about preaching especially in your home church. If your preacher is not gifted or struggles, pray for him. Give him room to study and be better prepared. Protect his time so he can be on mission and in focus.

There is a saying that states “As the pulpit goes so goes the church.” If the pastor is passionate about the word so will the people. If he is apathetic so will the people. If the pastor is contentious so will the people. In most churches the pastors attitude, demeanor and personally will infect the hearers. If the pastor doesn’t like what’s happening he may ant to look at himself first.

Some of you may say that preaching is outdated and times have changed. The act of preaching is one of the most humbling and terrifying activities a person can do in front of others. Preaching isn’t bad. Boring and unprepared preachers are bad for the church.

If you’re a preacher make Jesus the priority in how you speak and prepare. If you’re a church member ask yourself if you love the word as much as you love other parts of the service.

Jesus preached. He is a master preacher. We should expect good preaching and be humble enough to learn how to preach well. After all this in the primary means he wanted the message proclaimed. Using weak men to declare a glorious message.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Mark 4-5

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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