Wavering Trust

Today’s Reading, Genesis 16-18

Focal Scripture: Genesis 17:17 “Abraham fell facedown. Then he laughed and said to himself, “Can a child be born to a hundred-year-old man? Can Sarah, a ninety-year-old woman, give birth?”

Wanting to believe that something is true and actually believing something is true are two very different mindsets. When you want something to be true you are hopeful but have some doubts. When you know something is true your mind does not waiver no matter what you may experience. The faith to believe is not conditional but foundational.

In today’s reading we see the difference in Abram. A few chapters ago he believed God without question. It was credited to him as righteousness. Now he is told something will happen and he doesn’t believe. He questions. He doubts. He even laughs at the possibility. His thinking and foundation has changed. Not being firm in this belief would affect Abraham as doubt creeps into his life when it comes to trusting God’s word.

Lets not be to harsh on Abraham at first glance. We would probably have the same response if God told us we would be parents at almost 100 years of age. The point here is to not believe with human heart and mind. It is to trust the word of God. Abraham is actually having a conversation with God yet he still doubts. Even though he knows God is faithful. He believed with his human heart instead of trusting his spiritual faith.

That is the challenge for you and me, today. God is probably not going to speak to us audibly. However, he does speak to us through his word. We must learn from Abram and his laughter. Our minds must be set that God can and will do what he said in our lives and in the world. No matter how improbable it may seem. A word from the Lord should sustain us for all eternity.

We need a shift in our belief to trust God without question. This will build up our faith but also the faith of those around us who are watching us live life. I want it to be said of me that I had a faith that trust God completely. Not a wavering faith when things seemed impossible.

How would my life and your life be different if we took God at his word and believed his promises? I think our personal lives and our churches would be radically different.

Let’s be known as people of strong trust in what the Lord says.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading 19-21

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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