Who is Your King?

Today’s Reading, John 19-21

Focal Scripture: John 19:15 “They shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” Pilate said to them, “Should I crucify your king?” “We have no king but Caesar!” the chief priests answered.”

What we truly believe will always be exposed. You might be able to hide it for a season but eventually your thoughts, actions, and beliefs will find you out. When they do what will be exposed? A good example of this comes with sports. Far to often fans are only happy when there team is winning. If they don’t win you hear how they complain. You hear how they try to destroy the person in charge and even go after teenagers who are playing a game. They are exposing how they really feel.

In today’s focal verse the Jewish people are exposing what they worship. As a religious nation and seeing all of the heartache that comes from denying God they make a mind blowing statement. They openly say they have no king but Cesar. Even if they deny belief in Christ they are now denying belief in their religion. They have put Cesar above God. They deny Jesus and they deny what they say is most important, their religion.

So the obvious question comes up immediately. Who is your king? For many of us who claim to be believers we give lip service to what we believe. We claim Jesus is most important but our choices demonstrate something different. We choose another King in our life. We choose to worship what is convenient.

So why am I discussing this topic? Because I am convinced that many people who claim that Jesus is their king do so because it’s expected. However, when it comes down to it their religion is not real. Their choices and lifestyle demonstrate they worship someone or something else.

I encourage you today to ask yourself if Jesus is your King. Ask yourself is he the one that matters above all else. Or is Jesus a king of convenience.

How would others define your worship? Are you like the crowd? Or are you a true follower. You will be found out sooner or later.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 1-3

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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