When God is Leading, The People Will Catch the Vision

Today’s Reading Exodus 36-38

Focal Scripture: Exodus 36:4-5 “Then all the artisans who were doing all the work for the sanctuary came one by one from the work they were doing and said to Moses, the people are bringing more than is needed for the construction of the work the LORD commanded to be done.”

The workers on the tent of meeting had a big job. The people around them also knew it was going to take a lot of materials to accomplish this command from God. The difference here is that the people were listening to Moses but following God’s command. If you will go back and think about what has taken place Moses is just the mouthpiece, he is repeating what God wants the people to know. So Moses is not casting his vision but explaining God’s purpose for the Israelites.

This is what spurs the Israelites to be so giving. This verse says that the people were giving so much they had to be asked to stop. Giving comes from a grateful heart but also a heart that is following a clear vision. They were excited about having God’s presence with them but they were also excited about the clear vision that was guiding them.

This is important for any leader to understand. Having a clear vision from God will spur people to do the extraordinary. Moses was only able to clearly explain this vision by spending time with God. Remember, he spent forty days on the mountain, he was meeting God daily, the people would stand outside their tents and watch the cloud descend on the tent. They observed the human leader (Moses) submit everything to the LORD.

Personality can carry only for so long. If you remember correctly, Moses gave many excuses about his limitations and even his speech. Moses was a flawed individual. However, he got the most important part of godly leadership right. He spent as much time with God as he possibly could. He didn’t plan, worry, have the next ministry event worked out, he sought God’s face and it changed his life and the attitude of those around him.

If you want to lead well, spend less time leading and more time in God’s presence. Then out of the overflow of that time you will be able to cast God’s vision for your current setting.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Exodus 39-40

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