Today’s Reading, Numbers 11-13
Focal Scripture: Numbers 13:33 “We even saw the Nephilim there — the descendants of Anak come from the Nephilim! To ourselves we seemed like grasshoppers, and we must have seemed the same to them.”
Most people do not have a correct view of themselves. Either they view themselves very negatively or they have an inflated sense of self. Their thinking is based off of self perception or off of what others have told them through their life. No matter what these perceptions can set a person up for failure. So what is the answer? To view ourselves biblically.
In today’s reading we catch up with the tribal leaders scouting out the land of Canaan. When they check it out it is everything God said it would be and more. The produce is large and ripe. The land is beautiful. All they have to do is walk across and listen to the Lord. However, they started looking at their own self perception and didn’t view things biblically. In this verse they begin to make assumptions. They assumed they were like grasshoppers in their eyes and their enemies. Because of this they had fear and didn’t take the land.
How we view ourselves really does matter. As believers we should not beat ourselves up or think that we are worthless. We also should not think that we have it all together and become arrogant. So how should a person view themselves?
- A person worthy to have God send his son to die for your sins.
- A person who needs a savior for salvation and life
- A person who has confidence in a sovereign God
- A person who can trust what the Lord says
Obviously, there are many more ways a person can view themselves from a biblical perspective. However, it’s important we start with the basics. Our focus should be on God and being obedient to him above all else. What we don’t want to do is be like these men who knew what to do but let fear stop them from believing.
Their view should have been this: Even if we are small and weak our God is not. Our victory has been predetermined because we have the Lord on our side. We may take some hits but we know ultimate victory is ours because of the one we worship.
I challenge you to change your thinking from being a grasshopper to being faithful. It will make all the difference.
Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 14-15