Be Holy Because God is Holy

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 11-13

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 11:44 “For I am the Lord your God, so you must consecrate yourselves and be holy because I am holy. Do not defile yourselves by any swarming creature that crawls on the ground.”

What impacts your life the most? Some people are impacted by life circumstances. Others are impacted by people. Still others are impacted by decisions made that they make on a daily basis. During these events our lives are radically influenced and changed. Hopefully, as a believer you are impacted by the Lord in your life and give him your all.

In today’s reading we see this play out. The Lord speaks to the people and tells them it is time to consecrate themselves to the Lord. He is letting them know it is time for a commitment. To go all in with their lives. The impact of their decisions are coming to a head. The Lord also calls them to be holy because he is holy. This signifies a life that is in complete submission.

The application of today is simple but difficult. As believers we must be people who give everything we have to the Lord. We must examine our hearts, minds, and soul. If it is not consecrated to the Lord, we need to run to the altar spiritually and literally.

The challenge for us is to make sure we are pushing to live a holy life. Not because it gets us extra benefits but because we are commanded to by our savior. This means we need to get rid of anything that separates us from God. Our heartbeat should be to be as to close to Jesus as we can be before he comes back or our death.

I implore you today to consecrate your life right now. Make a commitment that shapes your life and your eternity. I then ask you to live in such a way you honor the one who died for you. It brings much to his name and it challenges us to be on mission.

How would people describe your life? Is it a life of holiness or worldliness? It matters more than you know.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 14-15

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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