Today’s Reading, Acts 16-17
Focal Scripture: Acts 16:25 “About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.”
People are always watching and listening. Have you ever experienced a time where someone came to you and told you they saw you somewhere but you didn’t see them? Maybe even commented on how you behaved or spoke to others. It can be a weird interaction. However, the root of it should humble us and make us pay attention. We are being watched and listened to by others. How do people think of Jesus from watching and listening to you?
In today’s reading we catch on with Paul and Silas as they are in jail for preaching the gospel and standing for truth. The crowds were frustrated with them because they drove out an evil spirit from a young girl. They were causing trouble. They were making change. However, the religious and others wanted to rid the city of those who brought truth. In prison these men are being watched and listened to the entire time. There attitude and life led to the salvation of there jailer and his family.
What is the application for us? We must understand that our life is being examined by others. How we live and act will have a major impact on if others come to faith. Nothing we do as believers will go unnoticed by those looking for answers. The way we speak and treat others makes a difference. People want to know if our faith is genuine.
This doesn’t mean we will live a perfect life. It does mean we need to be aware of our testimony. I have seen first hand how the way a person treats others impacts the lost and the believer. Damage is done. Gods holy name is drug through the mud. People turn from the faith.
How does one counter this? By submitting yourselves to the Lord daily. Understanding everything we do is a witness for Christ. Humbly relying on the spirit to work on our behalf. Paul and Silas didn’t fight the jailers. They worshipped and God took care of the rest.
When eyes and ears are on you what will people say about your savior?
Tomorrow I plan on reading Acts 18-20