Love For Your City

Today’s Reading, Luke 19-20

Focal Scripture: Luke 19:41 “As he approached and saw the city, he wept for it,”

I have had the distinct privilege to live in different places. I have lived in small towns and in metro areas. Both have their pros and cons. However, one thing is certain I have grown to love every city I have called home. Sometimes it wasn’t easy. Sometimes it was painful. Thankfully, it was always a learning experience.

In today’s reading Jesus is coming to Jerusalem. When he sees the city he begins to weep for it because he knows its future. He knows that it will be destroyed. He knows enemies will over come it. He knows they will miss the Messiah. Jesus loves this city and the people that reside in its walls. He is compassionate and caring. He is going to clean out the temple because he cared about the city so much.

The question I have for you is do you love the city you live in right now? I am not asking about the venue. Or even what is has to offer. Do you love the people? Do you see them the way Jesus sees them? People who are on the road to destruction and are missing the Messiah. Do you see your city in need of a savior?

My challenge for you today is to make much of Jesus. Pray for the people I your city. Minister to those in your city. Spend time with those in your city. Not just the people you naturally are drawn to but the ones who need Jesus the most. They need hope. They need Jesus.

Love your city the way Jesus loved Jerusalem. Love them and weep over them because souls hang in the balance.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Luke 21-22

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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