Remembering the Journey

Today’s Reading, Numbers 33-34

Focal Scripture: Numbers 33:37 “They traveled from Kadesh and camped at Mount Hor on the edge of the land of Edom.”

Remembering the way you have traveled is very important. Taking time out of your day to stop, write down, and reflect on your journey in life is very important because it puts life. When you do this it requires deep thought. It also shows you that you’re not stationary in life. That you have journeys that grow you and have shaped you into the person you are today.

In today’s reading we see many verses that start off with they traveled from this place to another place. It memorializes forever their journey and the impact it has on others. In the focal verse today the journey they traveled reveals that Aaron the priest died at this location. It was a place worth remembering.

I hope that you take time in your life to reflect on your journey. I know I have been doing much of that lately. I have reflected on where God has brought me and the journey he has had me on personally and as a family. It is amazing to see how God moves and protects. I look back at a year ago and now see that God delivered me from a very toxic situation. A situation where it was not good mentally, spiritually, or physically. Leaving that place literally helped heal my mind, heart, and soul. The journey has been slow but worth it in the long run.

My challenge for you is to record where God is moving in your life. Remember where and how God is moving in your life and look back on it and marvel at how he works. Journaling is one of the best ways to put that into practice. When things get difficult you can look back and praise him. When things are going well you can be thankful you serve a God who cares.

Remembering your journey is an effective practice that bears much fruit. It is humbling and encouraging. It can bring you from a bout of depression. Focus on God and how he works. It will not disappoint you in your life.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Numbers 35-36

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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