The Glory of the Lord

Today’s Reading, Ezekiel 43-45

Focal Scripture: Ezekiel 43:2 “and I saw the glory of the God of Israel coming from the east. His voice sounded like the roar of a huge torrent, and the earth shone with his glory.”

What are some things that stop you in your tracks? I have had a few experiences where I have been overwhelmed by something I have seen. My emotions, thoughts, feelings, and spirit were stopped to behold what I was witnessing. Thankfully, the majority of these experiences all point back to a moment with God.

In our reading today the glory of the Lord is returning to the temple. It was something amazing to behold. Ezekiel describes it as an amazing site to behold. The most impressive part is that the Lord’s glory shone over the whole Earth. The glory of the Lord could not be hidden and would not be stopped. Ezekiel got to witness something amazing.

Our goal as believers should be to see the glory of the Lord. We need to understand that we worship the one and true living God of the universe. His glory is life changing and it should encourage us to live for God. When the Lord gets involved he wants to encourage those who follow him. They might go through difficult times but his presence will always work in us and around us.

What do you look forward to? The big game? Family functions? Or do you get excited to be around the glory of the Lord? The Israelites were to be around his glory again. Ezekiel got to see it first hand. The glory of the Lord should be what we strive to see daily. This daily focus will help us grow and will impact the world around us, because our focus is on God and not ourselves.

Let us know the glory of the Lord in intimate ways.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Ezekiel 46-48

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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