The Great Deceiver

Today’s Reading, Revelation 12-15

Focal Scripture: Revelation 13:14 “It deceives those who live on the earth because of the signs that it is permitted to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who live on the earth to make an image of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.”

Sometimes seeing is not reality. How do I know I have seen people perform magic. It is often the most simple tricks that play with your mind. You know there is a way it happens. You just can’t see it with your own eyes. You are deceive to believe a false sense of reality. This reality can seem real even though you know it’s not.

In our reading today this is where we find the progression. The enemy is in the move and looking to destroy as many people as he can. Here he is called the great deceiver. He will perform signs through his counterfeit Christ (the beast). These signs will convince others that they should follow him instead of Jesus. The beast will even be wounded and live and others will be amazed and follow. The enemy even copies the work of Christ to gain followers.

So what does this mean? It means that people will believe what they see. It means that people will put their faith in another. It means that people are looking for answers. They will either respond to the truth or they will follow the great deceiver, Satan. He is good at what he does and wants to bring many to destruction. He will offer them hope but they will only receive destruction.

What can be done about this? We must be a people who evangelize the world. I don’t mean the entire world. I mean the world where we live and operate. The people we see on a daily basis. We need to give them truth because if they don’t receive it now they will receive the deceivers counterfeit.

This may seem far off and impossible. It may seem far fetched. However, one day this judgement will come. One day you will make a decision. It will be for Christ or for Satan. Actually, you are making that decision right now. If you accept Christ you reject the great deceiver. If you reject Christ you accept the great deceiver. Yes, even today.

Who will you choose to follow today?

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Revelation 16-19

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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