War Against The Lamb

Today’s Reading, Revelation 16-19

Focal Scripture: Revelation 19:19 “Then I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to wage war against the rider on the horse and against his army.”

Everything comes to a head at some point. This can be positive or it can be negative. No matter what events lead to a climax of epic proportions. Maybe it is a bad working environment and something specific happens to lead you to quit. Or maybe life circumstances lead you to make a decision you wouldn’t have made a few months before. Whatever it is events don’t happen in a vacuum.

In today’s reading we see this result play out. In the end times people will have a choice to make whether to follow Christ or follow the beast. The ones who chose to follow the beast will come together and decide to make war against The Lamb. It is described to us specifically the rider of the white horse will come down to judge the world. Everyone who is left here on Earth makes a decision to fight against God. They desire to kill him and end his reign.

However, in one fell swoop Jesus who is the rider of the horse wipes out the entire world with the words from his mouth. Judgement is pronounced against those on Earth. Against Satan and the beast are finally defeated. Jesus fulfills his promise to defeat the enemy forever.

Don’t move too far from this scene. Jesus is a just king. He is also a king who will judge those who rebel against him. His decisions are perfect and his rule impeccable. If you wage war against the lamb this is your future and your eternity.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. God is merciful and gives many opportunities to have your sins forgiven. If you want to experience freedom Jesus is the only way to get it in your life. He doesn’t want to judge you and send you away from eternity. His desire is to bring you into his family.

The choice is yours what will happen with your eternity. Hope and forgiveness are at your fingertips. You just have to submit to the Lamb of God.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Revelation 20-22

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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