The Lord Walks Amongst His People

Today’s Reading, Deuteronomy 21-23

Focal Scripture: Deuteronomy 23:14 “For the Lord your God walks throughout your camp to protect you and deliver your enemies to you; so your encampments must be holy. He must not see anything indecent among you or he will turn away from you.”

In today’s reading Moses turns to more personal expectations for the children of Israel. The Lord gives expectations for how to handle rebellious sons, women during war, brothers property and even bodily functions.

It is interesting that these people grew up in homes that should have known these expectations. They should have been able to quote these from the heart. However, Moses is continually having to remind them of how to live and how what expect.

That leads to today’s focal verse. The people know that God is holy. They know he expected the camp and the people to be clean. God was in their midst and desired to be there but he needed a holy place to dwell.

This should hit hard with believers today. God wants us to be clean as well. God wants us to be different. The expectation is that our lives will continually be submitted to him, so he can do the work in us that he wants to do.

The takeaway is this, God lives in us buy the Holy Spirit. He has decided to dwell within people, not just walk around the camp anymore. This should spur us on to live a life that is holy. A life that is clean.

God wants for all of his people. God wants all of you and me. The question should arise with us daily “Is there anything in our life that is making me unclean?” Self examination matters. Especially since the spirit dwells in us.

Since he not only walks amongst us but lives in us we should strive for a life that pleases him in all aspects. It is a difficult journey but submission to his word will lead us down that path.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Deuteronomy 24-27

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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