Wickedness and Injustice

Today’s Reading, Hosea 8-14

Focal Scripture: Hosea 10:13 “You have plowed wickedness and reaped injustice; you have eaten the fruit of lies. Because you have trusted in your own way and in your large number of soldiers,”

We often wonder if people will get away with their wickedness. Sometimes we know people or a group of people are actively involved in wickedness and it appears that nothing is going to happen or will happen because of their actions. However, wickedness does have consequences they just may take some time to become evident.

This is where our reading has us today. We know that the Israelites have been in sin and involved in wickedness. Our verse reminds us that wickedness will come due at some point. Wickedness will grow until it is harvested in our lives or in the lives of others. Why does this wickedness happen? Because people trust in themselves and not in the Lord. They trust in what they can see and not the one who gave them sight.

The application for today is important. Wickedness will come through in the harvest. It may not happen today but it will in the end. If you cheat on your taxes you will be exposed. If you speak to people like they are worthless behind closed doors but act another way publicly, you will be found out. A church who knows wickedness is happening but doesn’t deal with it will be exposed. The point behind this verse is that you can’t live in wickedness and not expect to reap judgment.

For believers you need to expose your heart to the Lord. You must realize that you are capable of sin and it will expose you. Wickedness is capable by all of us and if we are not careful it will win. I implore you to stick to the word and have accountability. Or else you will experience reaping a harvest that will destroy you.

Wickedness and injustice can be our future. We must never be to big to think we can’t fall.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Joel 1-3

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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