Today’s Reading, Hosea 1-7
Focal Scripture: Hosea 6:3 “Let’s strive to know the Lord. His appearance is as sure as the dawn. He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land.”
What do you do when all hope seems lost? For some people they panic. For others they get very stressful. Still others look into themselves for hope and to find answers. One thing is certain though in our lives and that is we will struggle at some point to understand what God is doing.
In our reading today we see that God told Hosea to marry a promiscuous woman. She consistently was unfaithful to this man of God. She knew she was loved and taken care of, yet would still choose to give her affections to other men. The purpose behind this real life example? To demonstrate that Israel was doing the same thing spiritually. They were being unfaithful. However, even though hope seemed lost it wasn’t.
Even when Israel was being unfaithful they were reminded to strive and know the Lord. To know him intimately. To have faith that he was going to come and he was going to deliver them from their struggles even in the midst of their unfaithfulness. They just need to keep striving for the Lord.
I am not saying we have a pass to do whatever we want. What I am saying is that our minds must always be on the Lord. We must strive to know him in a very intimate way. We must know that he will be faithful and will come through. Our striving to know him will produce much in us if we are willing to put in the work.
Tomorrow I plan on reading Hosea 8-14