Everyone Will Face Eternity

Today’s Reading, Daniel 10-12

Focal Scripture: Daniel 12:2 “Many who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, and some to disgrace and eternal contempt.”

People claim that there are two certainties in life death and taxes. I understand where they are coming from and it is almost 100% true but those things are not completely certain. With taxes a law could be passed and taxes no longer exist. As a believer the Lord could come today and I would never experience the sting of death. However, one thing that is certain is that we will all face eternity.

This is where we end our reading in Daniel. He is given more visions and more clarification on what is to come during the end times. The dead will rise and face an eternity that is certain. Some will have eternal life with the father. Others will face eternity in disgrace and judgement. The main point though is that everyone will be judged and held accountable.

This truth applies to us as well. Far too often people treat life as if it is a flippant commodity. This is where we make our eternal decision. This is where we decide what type of eternity we will face when our life is over. The good news is that the choices are simple. Belief in God and you have eternal splendor. Reject God and you have eternal judgement. Both groups will live forever.

This reality should push us to make certain we know the truth about God. It should also push us to make sure we share the truth with others. We never know when our eternity will begin but when it does it will never stop. Our decisions know will impact us much more than our finite brains can comprehend.

So where will you spend eternity? Eternal life with the Lord or eternal judgement with the people explained in Daniel. The choice is yours.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Hosea 1-7

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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