The Guilt Offering

Today’s Reading, Leviticus 5-7

Focal Scripture: Leviticus 7:2 “The guilt offering is to be slaughtered at the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered, and the priest is to splatter its blood on all sides of the altar.”

The little things matter. Details can make or break a conversation. They can set the tone for a relationship. And they definitely set the stage for expectations. I have learned the hard way that when I don’t pay attention to details bad things happen in my life. For instance I had reservations about a person during a conversation. Something that was said during the conversation showed the character of the person. However, I dismissed it because I trusted other people’s opinions. That decision ended up costing lots of pain personally and professionally.

In today’s reading we see the details on how sacrifices are made with the Jewish people. Different sins required different offerings. The details of those offerings are also different. How animals were sacrificed mattered. How the blood was applied to the altar mattered. These little details in sacrifices make all the difference.

This truth should encourage us and propel us to know God more intimately. The details of our life need to be submitted to God. Our hearts need to be focused on him and not focused on what we want to accomplish in our personal lives. Sometimes we focus so much on our own details we miss what God wants from us as we walk this journey.

My challenge to you today is to know the details about God. Know what he wants to say to you daily. Know how he wants you to live. If we knew the details of the law and the word the way we know the details of our favorite team or hobby things would be different.

I should pay attention to details in my life. Those details can’t be more important than how I pursue God. I must become a better expert in the details of the Lord. He must become my obsession. As he should be yours.

Tomorrow, I plan on reading Leviticus 8-10

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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