The Right Yoke

Today’s Reading, Matthew 11-12

Focal Scripture: Matthew 11:29 “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Being restrained is not something I enjoy. Thankfully, most places in my life have allowed me to be me and not put undue pressure or restraints on me as a person or in my work life. The yoke they asked me to carry was exactly what I needed. Unfortunately, I have also experienced the opposite. A leader who put a yoke on me that was not bearable. They wanted everything ran by them, approved by them, but was never available to discuss. To make matters worse any idea that was not status quo was perceived as a problem. That environment was not sustainable. It was a yoke that literally was strangling the life out of me. The wrong yoke can be dangerous.

This is where our reading takes us today. Jesus has been speaking to his disciples and explaining to them the relationship between the Father and the Son. The hen how if you are burdened by life and religion to come to him. Jesus wanted them to know that the yoke they were under was not good and biblical. It was not his chosen path for them. Jesus also told them if they were willing to exchange their yoke for his they would find rest for their souls. I want to point out here that Jesus never said the yoke would be easy or without trouble.

If you are burdened today I encourage you to go and trade your yokes for Christ’s. He wants to take the burdens off of you and give you a yoke that you can handle. If you are worrying today, take on his yoke. A yoke that will give you confidence and knowledge to trust the Father. If you have fear of the future take on his yoke. His yoke has a plan and trusts in the sovereignty of God.

I challenge you today to rid yourself of man made yokes. Whether self imposed or imposed by others. Take these yokes to Jesus and pray this prayer. “ Lord Jesus, the yokes I am carrying are too much for me to handle. I give them to you. In exchange give me your yoke and I will follow you wherever you lead.” The only way your souls will find rest is to trust the Lord. Be yoked to him and not the cares of this world.

Exchange your yoke for the right one.

Tomorrow I plan on reading Matthew 13

Author: Thinking Theologian

Allen Huber is a Student Pastor. This blog is being written to help people take biblical truths and apply them to their daily lives.

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